To my loyal readers:
Thank you, so much, for reading Goûter. As you have probably gathered, my prolonged absence from posting means that the blog is currently not up and running. After two busy months, I looked back and saw that I had abandoned my blog; with a heavy heart, I realized that perhaps Goûter was over as I was too embarrassed -- and most importantly -- too restricted by my budget to turn back. Goûter was becoming quite gourmet and my near-empty pockets could no longer sustain the pressure for ingredients and lofty meals. Perhaps one day, I'll return.
But not to worry -- I have begun a new project called making ends meat: Adventures of a Foodie With High Taste on a Low Budget. This new blog is already experiencing a lot of success, as people really enjoy the recipes and the philosophy, and even New York Magazine gave me a shout out on their Neighborhood Watch section: Meryl Streep/Julia Child Movie Shot Footage at Provence. So stop over to Making Ends Meat and keep track of my life, lived tastefully, on a budget.
Des gros bisous,
making ends meat